Best NYC Photography Spots

The Best NYC Photography Spots (Hidden Gems & The Classics)

New York, New York. The Big Apple, the City That Never Sleeps, Gotham – no matter what you call it, it's one of the most adored cities on earth. Visited by over 60 million people each year, New York is a cultural capital of the world, and exudes an energy that you just can't find anywhere else.

This one-of-a-kind energy, hustle and bustle, and creative spirit the city radiates makes it a must-visit destination for any creative. So, when you're there, where should you go to capture the city and its iconic character?

If you're looking for the best places to photograph in NYC, look no further — we’ve curated an extensive guide of the best locations in the city to bring your camera.Read more

Best Lens for Concert Photography

The Best Lens for Concert Photography (Canon, Sony & Nikon)

From the stadiums and festivals of the world, to the small concert halls and bars that host our local musicians – besides the artists, band members, and stage staff – we have beloved concert photographers to thank for capturing these artists in their element.

From the energy of the crowd, to an artist jumping in excitement, a concert photographer's bag of equipment needs to be capable of capturing this range of energy that reverberates at these shows.

So, what are the lenses that are mounted to their cameras in these moments?

You'd be surprised to hear that the lenses that make up a concert photographer's arsenal are quite simple. With a wide angle, all-purpose zoom, telephoto, and even some lenses for when you can’t get that media pass – check out our picks for the best lens for concert photography!Read more

Aesthetic Photo Wall Collage Ideas

20+ Aesthetic Photo Wall Collage Ideas (Prints & Printable Kits)

If you're looking for creative wall decor ideas for your dorm, home office, or bedroom – you've come to the right place. With tons of themes available to match your personal aesthetic, you can turn any wall in your home into a visual masterpiece with an aesthetic photo wall collage.

Setting up an aesthetic collage wall is simple, but it starts with picking the kit to match your style. From prints you can order, to printable digital downloads, here are some of our favorite collage themes and kits you can get for your room.

Looking to bring your collage wall to your digital setup? Check out our blog post featuring the most aesthetic collage wallpapers for your phone, tablet, and desktop!

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Aesthetic Digital Decor Essentials

Aesthetic Digital Decor Essentials You Need (Wallpapers, PFPs & More)

Our devices are the tools for all things work and play – and with that, digital decor is becoming just as important as the decor we carefully craft for tangible aspects of our lives.

From app icons, to the wallpapers those icons live on, to even playlist covers and pfps, there's opportunity to decorate just about every aspect of our digital lives and express ourselves.

We've curated the best in class for every type of digital decor, and for all devices from phones, to tablets, to computers. Get scrolling and get inspired to deck out your devices and make them feel perfectly yours!

For more aesthetic ideas for your Mac setup, check out our full blog post outlining the different things you can do to make your Mac more aesthetic!

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Aesthetic Quotes Wallpapers & Backgrounds

40+ Aesthetic Quotes Wallpapers & Backgrounds for Your Phone [HD]

Having the right quote always at the ready can keep you motivated, feeling positive, and is just a great form of self-expression – and where do we look more often than our very own lock screens?

From gratitude quotes, to manifestation quotes, and so much more – add a boost to your day (all while making your lock screen look great) with an aesthetic quote wallpaper.

Looking for more aesthetic screensavers and backgrounds? Check out our round up posts that feature the most aesthetic calendar wallpapers, desktop organizers, collage wallpapers, and screensavers for your setup!

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Digital Planner vs. Paper Planner

Digital Planner vs. Paper Planner: Choosing the Best Option

When it comes to mapping out our days and living intentionally, it's tough to decide whether to go with a digital planner, or a paper planner.

On the digital side, there are tons of apps and templates to maximize efficiency, and best of all, your planner is accessible from any device. On the contrary, you always need to have a paper planner on you, but you're graced with little to no distraction you'd otherwise have on a device. How’s one supposed to pick which to use as their daily driver?

To help make the choice easier, we've weighed the pros and the cons for each of these planner types, and even curated our picks on the best in each class!Read more

Best Leica M Lenses

The Best Leica M Lenses in 2024 (Film & Digital)

Straight out of Wetzlar, Germany, Leica cameras have grazed the hands of photographers for over 100 years. Known for their second-to-none build quality, reliable mechanics, superb ergonomics, and beautiful distinguishable designs, we have Leicas to thank for capturing some iconic moments in time while pushing the envelope of what cameras can achieve.

Whether if you're an experienced Leica user who can't stop collecting, or a novice user who hit the jackpot, follow our guide to get up and running with the best Leica M lenses for your Leica body – from wide and portrait lenses, to even zoom lenses.Read more

9 Easy Home Office Wall Decor Ideas

9 Easy Home Office Wall Decor Ideas

When it comes to designing your home office, there's so much you can do to make your workspace truly yours. One of the best places to start is your home office wall – it's a blank canvas, and the opportunities to add that personal touch and creative flair are endless.

You can add some style to your desk wall with large bold prints, or even some functionality with utility-focussed decor like a pegboard organizer or desk shelving – but it doesn't stop there. Get scrolling and get inspired by these easy, but effective, home office wall decor ideas!

Looking for more wall art inspo? Check out our round-up on skateboard wall art ideas!Read more

Pegboard Desk Ideas for Your Home Office

10 Pegboard Desk Ideas for Your Home Office

Both stylish and functional, a pegboard home office organizer is incredibly versatile and goes with just about any desk setup. You can use these nifty organizers to mount anything from wall decor, to lights, plants, books, and even tech accessories.

With dozens of configurations and setups, the pegboard world is your oyster – and we've curated the best of them. Jump in and get some inspo for how to best use a pegboard for your desk setup!Read more

Tyler the Creator & Frank Ocean’s Cars

Tyler, the Creator & Frank Ocean’s Cars: A Guide to Their European Classics

It's no secret that Tyler, the Creator and Frank Ocean both have a deep love for cars, but we can't get over their love for specific 80s, 90s, and 2000s European cars with roots in racing. Cars that have adorned the racetracks, podiums and vintage car ads of past decades, from touring and rallying to endurance racing.

Make no mistake, musicians showcasing their favorite cars is no new feat, but there is a common underlying theme to the cars that Tyler and Frank display in their music and artwork. Acting as representations for moments in their lives, every one is used as vehicles (no pun intended) for storytelling - often referring to emotions, people, places and self. The legendary BMW E30 M3 for Frank's 'Nostalgia, Ultra' cover, the plethora of European Le Mans racers in Frank's video for 'Nikes', or even the resurgence of Italian rally racers in Tyler's videos for his latest album 'Call Me If You Get Lost'.

A quick listen to both of their discographies will reveal generous references to cars from Bimmers and Jags, to McLarens and Ferraris.

Dive into the minds of these avant-garde artists, and learn about the iconic Euro cars that Tyler, the Creator and Frank Ocean call their own.Read more