Cinestill 800T photos are synonymous with the nighttime, and we’d expect nothing less! The tungsten-balanced colors paired with its famous halation makes for an incredibly unique look to night photos – but have you ever considering shooting 800T in the daytime?

Unexpectedly, the beauty of Cinestill 800T is that it’s a high speed film that wonderfully complements the daylight – and we’re here to share how you can enhance your daytime capturing! Whether it be underexposing the film a bit, or popping a filter on the lens to support, check out our tips for shooting Cinestill 800T in daylight.

If you’re looking to learn more about Cinestill, here are some of our favorite posts that we’ve published:

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Tips for Cinestill 800T Daylight Photography

Using an 85C Warming Filter

85C warming filters, as the name implies, add a slight warm tone to your images. Picture a lens filter with an orange-tinted colored piece of glass in front of it.

Cinestill 800T’s tungsten balancing will take any warm light in your image and convert it to a cooler, blueish tone once developed – so, a 85C filter helps adjust your image to appear warmer. If you want the other benefits of 800T without losing warm, golden tones you find in daylight, try one of these filters out!

Check out these 85C Filters:

85C Warming Filter for Cinestill 800T

Use A Variable Neutral Density Filter

Daylight will obviously bring an abundance of light to your image and with a light-hungry ISO like 800, or can all become a bit much if you’d like to shoot at a lower shutter speed, or with a wider aperture for some shallow depth of field. A variable neutral density filter (or variable ND filter) can help fix that! You can adjust the stops of light that are let into your lens, depending on the environment. This gives you the capability to shoot at lower shutter speeds if you want to play with some daytime motion blur, or wider apertures if you want some sweet bokeh.

Check out these variable ND filters:

Variable Neutral Density Filter with Cinestill

Underexpose Cinestill 800T

Thanks to Cinestill 800T’s great exposure latitude, you can easily underexpose the film for photos that appear darker and sport more contrast. This is simply done by setting your metering to act as if it’s 1-2 stops higher than the 800 speed. One method photographers follow is pushing Cinestill 800T to 1600 ISO (aka underexposing it by 1 stop). This is another way to let in less light, to work with daylight conditions a bit easier.

Related Post: Pushing Cinestill 800T to 1600

Underexpose Cinestill 800T FilmPhotos by u/asonjones, u/asonjones, u/cheerymy, u/joko2105, u/ChillonDang

Cinestill 800T Daylight Photos

You now know how to best handle daylight photos with your roll of Cinestill 800T film – so check out these 800T in daylight sample photos below, and use the tips above to go and create your own!

Last but not least, don’t miss our full round-up on Cinestill 800T sample photos for more inspo.

Cinestill 800T Daylight PhotosPhotos by @elivicksn, @shoot_film_, u/rgmphoto, @jjasonchambers, u/florisred, u/treebarks8

Which one of these tips will you try with your Cinestill 800T daylight photos? Do you have any other tips? Let us know in the comments below and tag us in your Cinestill pics on Instagram @gridfiti

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