What is the Pomodoro Technique? The Best Methods & Practices
The Pomodoro technique is an effective time management tool that’ll help you “ketchup” on your work and squash your to-do list! This…
The 10 Best Lofi.co Alternatives
Once a go-to site for focus, relaxation, and organization, Lofi.co announced it's shutting its doors on May 22, 2024. Whether you're one of…
The 40 Best Notion Templates for Students in 2025 (Aesthetic & Functional)
Notion is a must-have if you’re a student in 2025. With how versatile the platform is, you can use Notion to do everything from planning…
Here’s the Best Study Routine (Day & Night with Sample Schedule)
Let’s face it: your search history is probably filled with queries like "best study techniques" or "how to focus better." Most of what you…
How to Make School Go By Faster: 13 Easy Tips
Ever been stuck in a boring class and wished that school could just hurry up and end? Well, you’re not alone. While we can't speed up time,…
Does Lofi Help You Study? Here Are the 5 Benefits
In today’s world, music is not only used as a form of entertainment but also as a tool to improve studying and productivity. That being…
The 15 Best Study YouTube Channels for Students
The hustle and bustle of student life can be overwhelming. Fortunately, YouTube has become a valuable platform for knowledge,…
The 8 Best & Free White Noise Websites
Blocking out distractions at work, improving sleep quality, and helping with relaxation are just a few ways white noise can improve your…
The 8 Best Earplugs for Studying (Focus, ADHD & More)
We've all been there — trying to study with the constant chatter of roommates, the hum of traffic, or even the neighborhood dog that just…
The 20 Best Study Podcasts for Students
Silent studying isn't for everyone — some students like a bit of chatter and ambience in the background while they work. Whether you're…